7th in Div 1
Excel 95. Excel 98. Windows Vista. Blackberry. Mobile cooking. Daiquiris at the Kop end.
2007-08 (Div 1), 2008-09 (Div 1), 2014-15 (Div 1)
2009-10 (Preds Cup runner up), 2021-22 (Preds Cup winner)
If Blackpool was a Class-A, Damo would currently be bobbing head first into Lancashire for 'kiss me quick' hats and 'donkey rides' such is the man's love for his home town. From the North, like a whirlwind at pushbike speed, Damo has taken London by storm! Often seen floating in and out of events and do's with a trolley suitcase and Mac - regardless of terrain, continent and weather - he brings love and an infection second only to Chlamydia.
Whilst some are content to hide their passion for 50's retro, Damo, never one to shy away, wears his pride on his head. Influenced by the greats (Ted Bovis, Brian Blessed, the other hairy biker), Damo's influence is such that you can't even now pop down the flicks without seeing the hand-print of Spandley at work!
A master of the Preds, his unnerving skills at separating the chaff from the wheat over a full season saw him take consecutive titles in the modern era, helped no doubt by his love of all things Excel. In fact, some say that Damo has spread-sheeted his existence and, as such, the world will end when his 'function' reaches an untimely error loop.