5th in Div 1
Derby County
Beer festivals. Anna Kournikova. Rambling through the Derbyshire countryside.
People who are dicks. Mobile phones.
2000-01 (Div 1), 2015-16 (Div 1)
2004-05 (Preds Cup winner), 2007-08 (Preds Cup winner), 2015-16 (Preds Cup winner), 2021-22 (Preds Cup runner up)
One of the game's true legends. Steve dominated in the 2000s, setting new standards and taking the game to another level. The high predictions scores we see these days, and many of the new predicting techniques, are all down to way this man performed at his peak. Also, the sheer number of talented predsters coming through the ranks and, notably, the number of players predicting from overseas.
Although struggling a bit with the mental side of his game at the moment, Steve still ranks among the best on the circuit and is more than capable of putting in some incredible performances on his day.