Joe's profile




15th in Div 2




Being smug. Water slides. Tuna. Overused Neighbours storylines. Cussing.


Doing (or being pressured into doing) anything remotely taxing. Playing games. Misuse of the word 'literally'. Eastenders. The feeling of seawater and sand on his skin. Magic tricks (especially juggling).


2016-17 (Div 3)


2019-20 (Preds Cup winner)


Joe fully admits that his laziness will be his down-fall, however he can't be 'flanged' to do anything about it.

After Michael, his younger brother, beat him in a bookmark embroidery competition at the age of six, Joe went into hiding and came out having decided he would never play anything that he may be at risk of losing again. This firstly came in the form of a National Physics competition in which he came out victorious. What a dude.

After being told by a school teacher he had the "Best Line-Out Technique in the County" (absolutely not linked to his 6ft 3in height, but rather his 'technique' of beating the opposing team by catching a large ball with two hands, which is thrown directly at him whilst he is hoisted into the air by a team mate), Joe decided this to be the pinnacle of his career and hasn't played any sport since. Instead he has taken to beating everyone at fantasy football and being a complete prick about it.

Joe was somewhat forced into the Preds by an angry Laura subbing him in for a tardy Predster. Nonetheless Joe is trying to follow Morecambe's lead by taking his Preds team to a new level. Sammy McElroy would be proud."